In a beautiful home in Augusta GA, raised by a loving and caring family, Levi Marcel Howard, the 3 year old phenomenon was born six months before the pandemic of Covid 19. His father Demar Howard, Sr. native of Cincinnati, OH relocated to Atlanta GA where he met Levi's mother, Nekeshia Howard, a native of Locust Grove GA, and they are now currently happily married and successful business owners of Pur Ayr Restoration. With the support of his grandmother, Mrs Willie Sims, a 40 year native of Locust Grove GA, Levi now has the platform to share his gifts with the world on how he is speaking visuals thru his fingertips.
One would think with the visuals Little Levi is painting, he has been here before as the old folks would say. With a focused and determined mannerism, the young fella is in his own little world when he is painting.
The way he attracts to people the way he talks to people, Levi is what many would say a people's person.
It all started with family painting parties when they were visiting family in Colorado after mom went to visit her niece who was stationed there serving in the armed forces. On an evening of having girls/toddler time, everyone decided to grab some boards and paint. Mom ask well what can we paint? They began to look out the window at the beautiful mountain scenery of Colorado and decided to paint visions of the mountains, little did she know what the family was in store for as the crayons in front Little Levi where getting ready to tell a story, a story that is leaving many of us with the question of what it is he is actually trying to say.
Mom sent pictures of the painting to dad and dad was like "Wow, who are all these people in this painting?", Levi was drawing. As time pass, it left everyone in awe of what Levi was seeing prophetically. The parents and grandparents knew they had something special, but still not sure if this was a one time thing or message of God, telling them something thru their son! Another night of family time would show them that this wasn't so and that in fact Levi was a true messenger of God! As they prepared for family night gathering again about a month ago, the focus of "what to paint?" was the hot topic of discussion. "Let's paint flowers in a vase" said mom! This time the amazing happened and once again Levi painted another picture. They looked at it again and was like "wow here are more people in the painting." The more Levi painted, the more mom and dad started to realize he was telling them something.
Grandma Willie stated, she was praying for her daughter and son in law to bear a child and she had a vision of them having a baby boy that would spread the gospel. It gets emotional cause mom says she sees a good side and bad side in the paintings because in one of the paintings she described people look like they are trying to pull people on the good side while people on the other side where praying on there knees and dying trying to get to the good side with a valley dividing them in the middle.
While mom was pregnant right before the pandemic with Levi she worked alot before the birth and right after labor. They were business owners in transition with dad working a full time job and doing their family business part time. When many businesses suffered during the pandemic, this one was able to stay afloat and rise. The family was able to go full time and maintain their business and fortune to make it thru. Many kids were born during the pandemic and a big scare of birthing kids during this time was challenging having children in hospitals during a time of turmoil worldwide. Looking back at the pictures of Levi's painting you can see a war! People praying for people, people fighting for their lives in a struggle to get on the good side and in one painting you can even see a passing of the torch of the old being replaced by the new.
Many say the world will never be the same after Covid 19 and the children born during that time are a special breed with the changes the pandemic brought to is present day. Is this a time where the young will lead the old, nobody knows and only time will tell. Are the kids born during the pandemic a different breed, a new arising culture, that think different, talk different, and perhaps communicate different in a mature mindset we may not understand. Will we listen and take note of what these little gifts from God are trying to say?
With a warrior spirit, stand your ground persona, dad can't wait til Levi is able to see what builds up inside of Levi as he grows older. Grandmother says the family roots are a loving and giving family that place many of their values on the traditions of the elders of the family building a legacy. Mom is happy and focused on guiding Levi on the right path, steering him to walk in his vision and support his gifts. Levi continues to carry the family torch and not only help run the family business, but has started his own clothing line he launched on his birthday! Let's support our youth and we thank the Howard Family for sharing this phenomenal story of creating a creator.

"As long as you moving forward you know your doing good!" -The Howard's
Check Out The May/June 2022 Edition Of Star South News Featuring Levi
Gifts Of Levi

Bio My name is Levi Marcel Howard. I was born on October 10, 2019 in Augusta, GA six months before the pandemic of Covid-19. I am the son of Demar Sr and Nekeisha Howard, the grandson of Willie and Clifford Sims, Oscar D Foster and Willie and Katgleen Marshall. Nephew to Dana and Michael Sims and the little brother of Kayla and Demar Jr Howard.
Even though I am a young soul. At the age of 2 years old, on my birthday, I started my own business Marcel Apparel with the help of my parents, of course,beginning my journey to have an accomplished successful life. I love going to church praising the Lord, painting, playing outside, learning about dinosaurs, reading, dancing, singing, going to school, and taking pictures.You can say when it comes to meeting people I never feel like I met a stranger and many people say they feel like I've been here before. Only time will tell..
Today I would like to share my paintings with the world and give the people a glimpse of my story thru my my fingertips. Thank you Game Changers Media Network and Star South News for giving me the opportunity to display my talents and skills.. Pur Ayr Restoration: Call The Duck!!!
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